Liblab's minimalist lightweight Lord of the Rings Node.js SDK

Note: This SDK is based on The Lotr One API v2


npm i @afirdousi/liblab-lotr-sdk


To use ALL the features of the Liblab's LOTR SDK, you need to provide an accessToken.

How to get access token?

Get access token for free on One API by signing up. SDK's current version offers access to Movie and Quoteinterfaces for which you will need to provide an accessToken.

Note: Future versions will have other interfaces available including Book, Character, Chapter etc.

Quick Start

import { LiblabLotr } from '@afirdousi/liblab-lotr-sdk';

const client = new LiblabLotr('<YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN>');

// We will use this client object for all examples below

Supported Entity and Methods

The current limited version only supports following entities:

  • Movie
  • Quote

Each supported entity supports 2 methods

  1. get by ID
  1. get list
client.movies('5cd95395de30eff6ebccde57'); // queries the Hobbit series
  1. additional referencial methods are available on movie
// to get all quotes for a movie
getQuotes(movieID: string, query?: Query) 

Quick notes:

  • All methods return Promises.
  • The get list method's response supports sorting, filtering and pagination. You can use any combination of these. See details below

Example of using sort, filter and pagination

    page: 1,
    limit: 5, 
    sort: { by: 'runtimeInMinutes', direction: 'asc' },
    filters: [
            .matches('The Hobbit Series')

    filters: [