
A command to add PostCSS to your Svelte project

Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT

🔺 Add PostCSS to Svelte

❓ What is this?

This is an experimental command to run to add PostCSS to your SvelteKit project.

🛠 Usage

You must start with a fresh copy of the official SvelteKit template, which is currently created by running this command:

npm init svelte@next
# By the way, please listen to its warnings that SvelteKit is an alpha project
# https://svelte.dev/blog/whats-the-deal-with-sveltekit#When_can_I_start_using_it

Once that is set up, run this command in your project directory to set up PostCSS:

npx use-preset babichjacob/svelte-add-postcss --no-ssh

After the preset runs,

  • You can write PostCSS syntax in the style blocks in Svelte files.

  • You can write PostCSS syntax in the src/routes/_global.pcss file.

    This is your global stylesheet because it will be active on every page of your site.

  • All your CSS will be minified for production with CSSNano.

😵 Help! I have a question

Create an issue and I'll try to help.

😡 Fix! There is something that needs improvement

Create an issue or pull request and I'll try to fix.

These are new tools, so there are likely to be problems in this project. Thank you for bringing them to my attention or fixing them for me.

📄 License


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