
Om functionaliteiten tussen de verschillende applicaties van Wonen te kunnen delen willen we hier npm-packages van gaan maken.

Primary LanguageTypeScript


In order to be able to share functionalities between the different applications of Wonen (ZKS & TOP), we want to make npm packages out of this.


The package contains the following components:

  • CaseIdDisplay
  • DateDisplay
  • DayDisplay
  • Timeline
  • TimelineEvents




Depending on the style and size of parent-container one can add horizontal spacing to the TimelineEvents with the use of parameter spacingHorizontal. This uses the themeSpacing of @amsterdam/amsterdam-styled-components. For instance, when you want a spacing of 16 pixels on both sides you can do:

<TimelineEvents items={ timelineEvents } spacingHorizontal={4} />


In order to add a counter to a specific event-type, you can add the property countItemType. It shows the couner from #2 and up. This is only mvp which means you can add it for one event-type only. For instance, to count the number of Visits:

<TimelineEvents items={ eventsTimelineData } countItemType="VISIT" />


Install dependencies:

npm install @amsterdam/wonen-ui

Pulish the package to npm

Merge any changes into main and pull main to your local machine. In the root folder do:

npm install
npm run build
npm version patch
npm run publish

The package-versionnumber will automatically update.

To use the latest package in your project, go to the root folder of your project and do

npm install @amsterdam/wonen-ui@latest


You can check the behavior of the components locally in Storybook (styling is not working properly in Storybook)

npm run storybook


Run the unit tests with

npm run test