
A starter kit for html/css people to get into urbit ux/ui building

Primary Languagehoon


A starter kit for html/css people to get into urbit ux/ui building


given you have the urbit binary installed into a directory ~/urbit/ and have created a fake ship called zod.

       ~ $ cd zod
   ~/zod $ git clone https://github.com/afknapping/sail-skeleton.git

         # or, if you have ssh set up:
         # git clone git@github.com:afknapping/sail-skeleton.git

   ~/zod $ cd ..
       ~ $ ./urbit zod
~zod:dojo> |merge %sail-skeleton our %webterm
~zod:dojo> |exit
         $ rm -rf zod/sail-skeleton


         $ ./urbit zod
~zod:dojo> |mount %sail-skeleton
  • Ppen http://localhost:80/app/sail-skeleton/ in browser
  • Open ~/urbit/zod/ in a Finder window (or any other file explorer)
  • There should be a folder sail-skeleton/ and a file sail-skeleton/app/index.hoonedit away and take a look at the Sail guide
    • ⚠️ README.md and app/mine.hoon are missing⚠️
  • |commit changes
  • reload browser


Further Reading

Minimum version

  • hello world renders in the browser after cloning the repo and copypasting a few commands into terminal and dojo
  • sail-containing file can be edited and committed, browser refresh reflects edits

other ideas


~tinnus-napbus, ~sogrum-savluc