
Simple website to test out API calls in JavaScript

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Ajax API Calls

Slowly iterating on this website to practice and test out new html/css/javascript as I go



Completed changed the script.js file to use the fetch() API instead of Ajax. 79 or so lines down to 39. Not bad. And its a lot easier to read and understand. Old js file is oldscript.js.


  • Make the first price call async so that it fills in the prices when the page loads instead of having to press the button



Added a new calculation function on the site that takes a value entered by the user and gives the total value of their TRX held in USD, BTC, and ETH

Current project


Learning how to use Ajax XMLHttpRequest to call an API and parse the JSON response
Simple website calls the CoinGecko API and grabs the TRX/BTC Price when the button is pushed

Current Project