
Security Tools Portfolio

This repository contains a collection of security tools developed as part of my portfolio for applying for a Security Operations Center (SOC) Analyst position. These tools cover various aspects of cybersecurity, including network scanning, vulnerability assessment, web application security testing, and more.

Tools Included

  • Network Scanner: Python script for scanning network devices and identifying active hosts, open ports, and service versions.
  • Packet Sniffer: Packet sniffing tool built using Scapy to intercept and analyze network traffic for security analysis.
  • ARP Spoof Detector: Script to detect ARP spoofing attacks by monitoring ARP packets on the network.
  • HTTP Traffic Analyzer: Tool to analyze HTTP traffic and detect potential security threats such as XSS and credential leakage.
  • Reverse Shell Backdoor: Python backdoor script for establishing a reverse shell connection to a remote host.
  • File Downloader: Script for downloading files from a specified URL, useful for retrieving malware samples for analysis.
  • XSS Scanner: Web application scanner to identify and exploit cross-site scripting (XSS) vulnerabilities.
  • Command and Control (C2) Server: A simple command and control server for managing compromised systems remotely.


Each tool includes detailed instructions on how to install and use it. Please refer to the README files in each tool's directory for more information.


These tools are intended for educational and ethical testing purposes only. Unauthorized use of these tools against networks or systems without proper authorization may violate applicable laws. The author is not responsible for any misuse or damage caused by these tools.