Chatroom With Cloud Native Streaming

So, recently I built a fun little FastAPI Chatroom utilizing websockets, and I loved it. However, I was thinking about websockets and about how much research has gone into streaming services within the last few years. Are websockets really still the way to go? If they arent, what new tools are out there to help facilitate that process?

I have used Kafka before and I was vaguely familiar with RabitMQ, but what else is there?!

So I took to the CNCF Sandbox to see if I could find something new to play around with. Something with storage, an easy interface, and hopefully some python bindings that I could hook into relatively easily. I found two extremely tempting streaming services in the CNCF sandbox that seemed to fit that bill:

I landed on Pravega because it was extremely easy to get up and running, has a standalone and distributed mode, seems to have some incredible efficiency, and has auto-scaling (I'm an SRE and a sucker for auto-scaling). There are a ton of other neat feature as well that I encourage you to check out.

So, why a chatroom? Well, as soon as I send a message, a user should be alerted of the message and then have the ability to respond. To me, that sounds like a perfect use case for an event-based or streaming system! So, let's get started.


What is Pravega? Pravega is an open-source streaming and storage utility which promises unbeatable performance, long-term storage, and autoscaling. Doesn't that sound perfect for a chatroom?

In our chatroom, we are going to use it in lieu of basic sockets, websockets, or other popular chatroom mediums.

Running Pravega

There are multiple ways to run Pravega, but I chose to just run it as a standalone container. There are also many ways to configure Pravega, such as distributing separate pieces of it across different containers for reliability purposes (which is what I recommend in a production system). However, we are just going to run it in standalone mode for ease:

docker run -it \
  -e HOST_IP= \
  -p 9090:9090 \
  -p 12345:12345 \
  pravega/pravega:latest \

Thats it, you'll now see pravega running in a terminal and it's ready to accept connections!


StreamCli is what we're going to call our python app. It's going to be an easy-to-run cli which connects to a pravega broker in both a read and write capacity. I was also inspired by slack to include some sort of "slash-commands" to help minimize the typing we had to do for common tasks (greetings, jokes, etc.).

To make all of this happen, we are going to need:

  • Something to read from a pravega stream and act upon messages
  • Something to take user input and write it to a pravega stream
  • Something to manage the reader and the writer

It sounds like a lot, but I promise its quick, easy, and is only like 200 lines of code.


Let's start with the reader because it's the most complex. After this, it's all downhill. Before actually sending messages, we should agree on a format for messages. That way whatever is being sent can be properly processed on the receiving end of the stream. For that, we can use pydantic models:

from pydantic import BaseModel

class Message(BaseModel):
    sender: str
    message: str

This defines a python object which has two string attributes:

  • sender: The ID of the sending user
  • message: The contents of the message

Pydantic models have a ton of helpers associated with them like:

  • json functions
  • parsing functions
  • much more

Now that we have agreed upon a message format, we can begin writing our reader. Our reader will need two attributes:

  • An ID so it knows who it is receiving for
  • A pravega reader instance so it can attach to the stream

The definition and init of it are simple:

class MyReader:
  def __init__(self, p_reader, id):
    """A class which wraps the pravega readers

      * p_reader: A pravega reader instance
      * id: A unique ID
    self.p_reader = p_reader       = id

Logically, we need a method to:

  • Read from the stream
  • Act on the message
  • Tell the stream when its done listening (Close the connection)

We can read from the stream by using our pravega instance. Pravega organizes messages into things called slices. A slice is a portion of a segment, which are shards or pieces of a stream. Once we read that slice from the segment, we need to notify pravega that it has been processed and shouldn't be processed again by the same reader group. Finally, we need to process that slice and do something actionable with it. So, in code, our read function looks like:

  async def read(self):
    """Reads next message from the pravega stream. If message
    is non-null, then process it accordingly using helper functions
        # acquire a segment slice to read
        slice = await self.p_reader.get_segment_slice_async()
        buff  = []
        for event in slice:
        # after calling release segment, data in this segment slice will not be read again by
        # readers in the same reader group.

        # If we got a non-null message, process
        if len(buff) > 0:
          resp = await self._process_message(buff)
          return resp
    except Exception as e:

Notice that we first read a slice from the segment using get_segment_slice_async. Once we read all of the data from the segment, we then let Pravega know that this reader group has processed the message and doesn't need to be processed again by this reader group with release_segment. Finally, we process the message with _process_message (more on that soon).

Now that we have read a message, we need to do something actionable with it. This is where the _process_message comes in to play. Logically, our _process_message function will have to:

  • Parse the message from its format to our message format
  • Process it somehow
  • Show it to the receiving user

It's worth noting that I wanted to add 2 special commands into my chat system:

  • The keyword greet should greet the user by saying <Sending User> says hi!.
  • The keyword joke should tell the receiving user a random joke

So our _process_message function becomes:

  async def _process_message(self, buff):
    """Processes incoming messages and then decides what 
    to do with them. At the time, the only commands recognized
    are greet and joke. These are akin to slash commands in slack.

      * buff: A buffer of bytes read from the pravega stream
      * resp: A response message to be printed to the console

    # Decode all of the byte strings into regular strings
    decoded   = [x.decode("utf-8") for x in buff]
    stringify = "".join(decoded).strip().lower()
    jsonify   = json.loads(stringify)
    # set to a message so we can ensure it fits the required format
    incoming  = Message(sender=jsonify['sender'], message=jsonify['message'])

    # because we are also listening, we dont want to respond to our own messages
    if (incoming.sender ==
    message = jsonify['message']

    # Decide what to do with the commands
    if (message == "greet"):
      msg = await self._greet(incoming.sender)
    elif (message == "joke"):
      msg = await self._tell_joke()
      msg = message

    resp = Message(sender=incoming.sender, message=msg)
    return resp.dict()

Notice how we first load the message from the json format it will be sent as (discussed below) into our desired message format. Next, because we are reading and writing to a stream, we want to make sure we aren't writing to ourselves. Finally, we process the message utilizing our desired format and return to our caller. For completeness, the _tell_joke and _greet function are shown below:

  async def _tell_joke(self):
    f = ""
    data = requests.get(f)
    tt = json.loads(data.text)[0]
    return tt["setup"] + "\n" + tt["punchline"]

  async def _greet(self, sender):
    return f"{sender} says hi!"

Finally, we do need a close method which tells pravega "this listener is done and will be removed from the chatroom!":

  async def close(self):
    """Close the reader on the pravega stream to avoid dangling

And that's it! We now have an object which can read from a stream and perform semi-intelligent actions based on the messages it receives from the stream.


The writer is much simpler than the reader. It needs two pieces of information:

  • Its ID
  • A Pravega writer instance

Its definition and init are below.

class MyWriter:
  def __init__(self, p_writer, id):
    """A class which wraps the pravega writers

      * p_writer: A pravega writer instance
      * id: A unique ID
    self.p_writer = p_writer       = id

It really only needs one or two methods:

  • One to frame a message
  • One to send the message

Let's look at how to frame a message.

  def _format_message(self, message):
    """Format the message to the Message format defined
    for our system

      * message: Text content of the message in question

      * json: Json representation string to be put on the pravega stream
    msg = Message(, message=message)
    return msg.json()

So, looking at this, we just create a pydantic model (called Message) and input the required information. Finally, we return it as a json string to send over the stream. As a side note, we looked briefly at the Message pydantic model when discussing the reader.

Finally, we can send the message.

  def write(self, message):
    """Writes a message to the pravega stream

      * message: The message to write to the stream
    msg = self._format_message(message)

We see that we frame our message, and then send it out over the pravega writer instance.


So, we have our readers and we have our writers. To chat, we need to combine the two into one clean object. We will call that object our Chatter (See definition and init below):

class MyChatter:
  def __init__(self, reader, writer, id):
    """A class which has a pravega writer, a pravega reader, 
    and an id

      * reader: A pravega reader instance
      * writer: A pravega writer instance
      * id: A unique ID
    self.reader  = reader
    self.writer  = writer
    self.running = True      = id

Our chatter object will maintain its reader and writer, and will notify them to close with the running attribute (more on that shortly).

Conceptually, our chatter will need the same functions as its constituents. Namely:

  • A read function to tell the reader to do its thing
  • A write function to tell the writer to do its thing
  • A close function to gracefully terminate its pieces

We also don't want to have blocking system (Forced to read before writing), so we will utilize different threads for the reader and the writer.

The read function in the chatter object is much simpler than that of the reader object, because all it has to do is wait for the method to return, format it, and print it out:

  async def read(self):
    """Continuously listens for new messages from the pravega
    while(self.running): # Will be set to false when close is called
      msg = await
      if (msg):
        # Backspaces to make it look like the input prompt stays at the 
        # bottom of the screen for easier reading
        print('\b' * (len( + 2), end="", flush=True)
        # Print the message, and then re-enter the prompt line
        print(f"{msg['sender']}: {msg['message']}\n")
        print(f"{}: ", end="", flush=True)
    # Close the reader after this finishes and the chatter
    # requests a closed connection
    await self.reader.close()

You'll notice that when we are finished running (self.running is false), we will automatically close our reader.

The write method is similar in that sense. It just has to take user input and ship it to the writer:

  def write(self):
    """Continuously listens for new messages from the user to then
    write to the pravega broker
    while(self.running): # Will be set to false when close is called
      message = input(f"{}: ").strip().lower()
      if (message):

Our close method then just has to terminate those loops and the readers will be closed gracefully:

  def close(self):
    """Tell threads to close themselves and exit gracefully
    self.running = False

We can tie all of these pieces together into a nice, concurrent package with threads:

  async def chat(self):
    """Begins the chat read/write threads
    reader_t = Thread(, args=(,))
    writer_t = Thread(target=self.write)

If we analyze this a bit further, we:

  • create a reader thread. Because read is an async function (so it doesn't block), we need to wrap our target with asyncio. This thread will be running the asyncronous callback.
  • create a writer thread. Writing isnt asyncronous, as we have to wait for user input. So we can use the typical and normal thread targets here.
  • Start our threads!

Tying It All Together

Finally, we tie it all together and package it as a CLI. There are a lot of great python argument parsing utilities our there:

And I chose docopt for today because its easy to use and takes a lot of the heavy lifting off of the programmer. docopt is going to parse our docstring and then generate the arguments based off of that. Our docstring looks something like:


Usage: <url> <id> [--verbose] --version

  -h --help                          Show this screen.
  --version                          Show version.
  --verbose                          High Verbosity.

Example: tcp:// tim --verbose tcp:// alex

So docopt will parse this, create a dictionary of possible arguments, and then we can act on them accordingly.

Our main function does just that. Main will:

  • Parse our docstring and analyze user-supplied args
  • Create a pravega stream manager, scope, stream, reader, and writer
  • Create our reader and writer wrappers
  • Create our chatter
  • Begin chatting
async def main():
  # Pass our docstring to docopt for parsing
  arguments = docopt(__doc__, version='streamcli 0.1.0')

  log_level = logging.DEBUG if arguments['--verbose'] else logging.INFO

  # set log level based on --verbose flag

  # Pull data out of the user passed arguments
  url     = arguments['<url>']
  chat_id = arguments['<id>']

  # Create a stream manager, scope, and stream
  # for the app to use. Will be created each time
  # an app instance is run, but doesnt affect pravega
  stream_manager = pravega_client.StreamManager(url)
  stream_manager.create_stream("scope", "stream", 2)
  reader_group = stream_manager.create_reader_group(chat_id, "scope", "stream")

  # Create pravega readers, writers, and our wrappers
  reader       = reader_group.create_reader(chat_id)
  my_reader    = MyReader(reader, chat_id)
  writer       = stream_manager.create_writer("scope","stream")
  my_writer    = MyWriter(writer, chat_id)

  # Create chat instance with the reader and writer wrappers above
  chatter = MyChatter(my_reader, my_writer, chat_id)

  # Create scoped function which will be invoked on CTRL+C to
  # gracefully close readers / chatters
  def signal_handler(*args):

  signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, signal_handler)

  # Run the chat

The important pieces are the pravega api calls. We first create a StreamManager with allows us to run some managerial tasks for our pravega cluster. We then create or use a scope which is similar to a namespace. We then create a stream within that scope and a reader group within that stream and scope. Each user gets their own reader group which means that when userA reads from the stream, userB and userC won't be affected. Finally, we create the individual reader and writer to be able to read and write from the stream explicitly.


We are now ready to run!

In one terminal, make sure your pravega docker image is running! If not, you can run

docker run -it \
  -e HOST_IP= \
  -p 9090:9090 \
  -p 12345:12345 \
  pravega/pravega:latest \

Now, open up two other terminals. In one of them run python tcp:// alex and in the other, run python tcp:// tim and begin chatting back and forth!

See the video below!


All code can be found in my public repo here.