
Plugin for interactive upgrading of installed helm charts

Primary LanguageGo


Interactively upgrades selected chart to their latest versions

This software is for internal purposes only, use it at your own risk

MACOS ONLY: for now, this plugin compiled for mac-compatible devices only. In case of other architecture you shoud manually compile bin/parser binary using the following command:

# cd upgrade-interactive-parser && go build -o ../bin/parser


# helm plugin install https://github.com/afoninsky/helm-upgrade-interactive
# helm upgrade-interactive


# helm upgrade-interactive -h

# upgrade-interactive ...

We can pass usual flags we pass to 'helm upgrade'.

helm upgrade-interactive --force --recreate-pods --atomic

# upgrade-interactive bind {repository}/{chart}

Helm2 does not return repository for the installed chart. In some cases tool can find same chart name in multiple repos - this chard is marked as deprecated. In such case we can manually bind chart to selected repository.

helm upgrade-interactive bind jetstack/cert-manager

In this case 'helm search cert-manager' tells that chart is situated in 'jetstack/cert-manager' and 'stable/cert-manager'. Now versions will be always checked against 'jetstack' repository only.