Kajabi Employee Directory

This project contains a /frontend folder and /backend folder with the rails API configured.

Screenshot 2024-02-24 at 01 25 58

Table of contents


You have start the docker daemon. Docker compose will run the front-end and the back-end at the same time for you.

docker-compose build


docker-compose up

Visit page website: http://localhost:3000/

API health check: http://localhost:5001/up

Running the tests

It's never too early to begin running unit tests. Tests are run using RSpec testing framework and lives in the /spec folder. To run the tests:

docker-compose run --rm -e RAILS_ENV=test api bundle exec rspec


  • Configure docker
  • Configure docker compose for the web and API
  • Configure rails API
  • Create employee List page
  • Create employee details page
  • Add Antd UI Library to build the page
  • Add VCR to help with request tests using real data
  • Create services responsible to fetch employees data in the back-end
  • Improve UI error handling and loading state using react query
  • Configure cypress to test the UI
  • Configure cache in the query client (react query)
  • Configure CI
  • Deploy to Heroku