
Primary LanguageDockerfile

Deploying to cloud run

We want to deploy our api inside our container to cloud run so that the cloud runs the container for us! Cloud Run on GCP allows you to deploy containerized applications in a fully managed environment. You package your code in a Docker container, upload it to GCP, and Cloud Run handles scaling, load balancing, and HTTPS. It abstracts away infrastructure management, letting you focus on code.


  1. Setup your .env here you can duplicate the .env.example and rename it to .env and fill in the DOCKER_IMAGE_NAME! Pick a name which pushes to the artifact registry you setup before!

  2. Setup the makefile with the following commands:

    build the container using DOCKER_IMAGE_NAME

    run the container using DOCKER_IMAGE_NAME

    push the container using DOCKER_IMAGE_NAME

For run_docker_image make sure you can access the api on localhost:8000!

  1. For cloud run we can't just hardcode the port so add a PORT variable to the .env file and use it in the Dockerfile! Also update the run command in the makefile to use the PORT variable! Passing it as an environment variable in the run command.
💡 Solution

In makefile


In dockerfile

CMD uvicorn app.main:app --host --port $PORT

Add one last command to the makefile


Using https://cloud.google.com/sdk/gcloud/reference/run/deploy make sure to allow unauthenticated invocations so you can access your class mates apis!

🏁 Finished

We have now set up a very basic deployment but we want to add ci and cd in our next exercise in order to establish best practices!