
:sunglasses::ballot_box_with_check: Good Practices for build Web Components.

MIT LicenseMIT

Good Practices for build Web Components

Note: The best practices presented here are about polymer, but you can follow these recommendations for any Web Components or other type of component based on Libraries or frameworks (like React or any other).

Tip: For open source projects see the Open Source Checklist.

Table of contents

Make reusable and composable

Cover the basics

Make maintainable

Improve performance


Make customizable

  • Use custom properties and expose the API for users with docs.
  • Use @apply rule for most generic style and expose the API for users with docs.

Document all

  • Provide a quick demo (like webcomponents.org inline demo).
  • Provide a full demo (Polymer iron-demo-helpers is recommended).
  • Describe how to download and use the component.
  • Describe how to style the component.
  • Specify the component support.
  • Describe your API. (example)
  • Describe how to run the development environment.
  • Describe how to run all the tests.

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Resources for learning