Solidity shop system for CC
Run the following command wget run
In config.conf everything is commented
["mode"] = "both", --The mode for the shop (buy|sell|both)
["shopname"] = "SolidityPools", --The shop's name
["description"] = "This is an opensauce Liquidity pools", --The shop's description
["owner"] = "Afonya2", -- The shop's owner (must be your ingame name) (only displayed in shopsync information, admin commands)
["command"] = "sp", --The command for the shop (without the \)
["address"] = "kasd123", --The krist wallet's address
["privateKey"] = "asd123", --The krist wallet's privateKey
["kristName"] = "sp", --The krist name for the wallet (can be nil)
["tradingFees"] = 5, --The trading fees for the items
["dynamicPricing"] = true, --The dynamic toggle switch
["webhook"] = true, --The webhook's toggle switch (discord only)
["webhook_url"] = "", --The webhook's url
["palette"] = { --The palette for the shop
header = { --The colors for the header
bg = 128, --The bg for the header
fg = 1 --The fg for the header
logo = { --The color of the logo
fg = 512
buy = { --The colors for the buy banner
bg = 8192,
fg = 1
sell = { --The colors for the sell banner
bg = 16384,
fg = 1
content = { --The colors for the content
bg = 1,
fg = 32768
column = { --The colors for the columns label
bg = 128,
fg = 1
listA = { --The colors for the list 1,3,etc. elements
bg = 1,
itemfg = 128, --The foreground color for the item's name
pricefg = 32768 --The foreground color for the item's price
listB = { --The colors for the list 2,4,etc. elements
bg = 256,
itemfg = 128, --The foreground color for the item's name
pricefg = 32768 --The foreground color for the item's price
footer = { --The colors for the footer
bg = 128,
fg = 1,
exitfg = 256 --The color for the exit and the deposit message
To create new categories just create a new file in the items directory (example: Ores.conf)
["name"] = "Redstone", --The name of the item
["query"] = "minecraft:redstone", --The query for the item (ex. "minecraft:redstone?displayName=redstone&nbt=asd123")
["normalPrice"] = 1, --The normal price for the item this will be the price of the item if the stock == normalStock
["normalStock"] = 2, --The normal stock for the item
["forcePrice"] = false, --Disables the dinamic pricing for this item
Yes, you can modify the code if you don't like the design or you have any other problems, you can also create a pull request