
This program calculates all partially inverted yield curves over a given time span

Primary LanguagePython

Inverted Yield Curves

ECON 490: Financial Frictions and Monetary Policy

Individual Research Project


This program calculates all partially inverted yield curves over a given time span.

Each inversion is considerted to be a predicted "recessionary window". For example, if the yield curve from a given date has a negative slope for 3-month, 6-month, and 1-year Treasury bills, then that is treated as a prediction of a recession starting on DATE + (3 months) and ending on DATE + (1 year).


File Description Status
yield_curve_day.py Defines the InversionPeriod_Daily class containing a date, and the inversion start and end dates. Defines the YieldCurve_Daily class containing a date, the yield rates, the inversion periods, and a function to find the inversion periods.
yield_curve_month.py Defines the InversionPeriod_Monthly class containing a date, and the inversion start and end dates. Defines the YieldCurve_Monthly class containing a date, the yield rates, the inversion periods, and a function to find the inversion periods.
projection_check.py Defines the RecessionProjection class containing inversion period information. Calculates alignment with the nearest actual recession.
daily_yields.py Loads data from CSV, creates a list of YieldCurve_Day objects, and determines if there are projected recessions.
monthly_yields.oy Loads data from CSV, creates a list of YieldCurve_Month objects, and determines if there are projected recessions.


Directory Items Status
src Python source files
data Data sources as CSV; from FRED
output Program output