
Is predictive policing fair?

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook


Is predictive policing fair?


Week Topic
1 Introduction
2 Background: Police, Traffic, and Discrimination
3 Traffic Stops Data
4 Causal Inference
5 Causal Inference II
6 Veil of Darkness
7 Improvements on Veil of Darkness I
8 Improvements on Veil of Darkness II
9 Impacts and Ethics
10 Work on Proposals


  • Tags: Causal Methods, Discrimination, Data Journalism, Policy
  • Data: Administrative data, Geographical Data
  • Methods: Causal Inference, Natural Experiments.

The most common point of contact between police and residents are through traffic stops. While traffic stops help keep the roads safe, police also have a host of other reasons behind them, and these stops can have wildly different effects on the drivers being pulled over. This project will initially look at how various notions of fairness play out in traffic stops in San Diego in 2014-2015. In particular, the project approaches the question “does being identified as a certain race cause a person to get pulled over more often?”


The current state of law enforcement in the United States is the result of a long history, heavily influenced by the legacy of slavery, the rise of the automobile, and the war on crime. Some of this history is covered in the following references:


Open data on traffic stops exist in cities and states throughout the United States.

Possible Projects

  • Scale the Veil of Darkness across the country and visualize the results.
  • Do traffic stops serve the purpose of "keeping the roads safe?" (can a purpose be inferred?)
  • Is there a difference between state patrol and local?
  • Fine grained description of racial disparities in stops and searches.
  • What various causes have what effect on being searched?
  • Causal Inference Algorithms: Deconfounder, Causal Forest.