
Example of how to run a Cloudflare tunnel inside of docker compose

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Cloudflare Tunnel x Docker Compose

This repository is a non-production (seriously don't use it in production) example of how to route traffic through a Cloudflare tunnel. It contains a docker compose specification for running:

  • A single Cloudflare tunnel
  • A Traefik Proxy instance to which the tunnel is routing exposed traefik with 3
  • Three instances of a dummy service (whoami) which are proxied & load-balanced by Traefik.


  • Create a tunnel in your Cloudflare account through https://one.dash.cloudflare.com//networks/tunnels.
  • In the creation process, select cloudflared (the utility we're using in Docker to create and operate the tunnel).
  • Select Docker in the installation process, you should have a token available from the command that's given for running cloudflared in Docker.
  • If you're prompted to provide a URL your tunnel should route to, it should be http://proxy:80.
  • Copy/Paste the .env.example file to .env and put your token there on the appropriate env variable.
  • In your Docker compose specification, replace foo.bar by the hostname you're running your tunnel under.
  • docker compose up & 🎉. You should be set !

What do I have access to

  • On the domain routed to your tunnel, you should have access to Traefik routing to your three whoami instances. Let's say I'm routing my tunnel from tunnel.crossbone.cc, you can reach tunnel.crossbone.cc/whoami.
  • On your local machine, you can access Traefik's dashboard on


If you have an issue you can just create an issue, I'll do my best to reply to it.