
Tool for creating i3 or sway status bars

Primary LanguageGo


Go code for talking with i3 bar using i3 protocol and creating usefull and fast bars.

Also works with Sway!

Set sway or i3 as 2nd argument, or set wmclient attribute on config.json. (argument will override attribute)



  • activewindow
  • command (run bash scripts etc)
  • cpu (usage)
  • datetime
  • memory (usage)
  • pulseaudio (volume bar)
  • readfile (read arbitrary file)

Example usage

bar {
	id main_bar
	position bottom
	status_command exec ~/go/bin/i3statusbear ~/go/src/github.com/afreakk/i3statusbear/exampleConfigs/mainbar.json i3 2>> ~/log/statusbear.main_bar.log
	output $primaryScreen
	tray_output none
	bindsym button3 exec "rofi -modi combi -show combi -combi-modi run,drun,window"
	separator_symbol " "
	colors {
		background #282828
		inactive_workspace	#282828 #282828	#685d52
		focused_workspace	#282828 #d79921	#282828
		active_workspace	#282828 #685d52	#282828
		urgent_workspace	#282828 #fb4934	#282828

bar {
	id off_bar_top
	position top
	status_command exec ~/go/bin/i3statusbear ~/go/src/github.com/afreakk/i3statusbear/exampleConfigs/offscreenbartop.json i3 2>> ~/log/statusbear.off_bar_top.log
	output $offScreen
	tray_output none
	bindsym button4 exec ~/bin/setSinkVolumeDefault.sh +5%
	bindsym button5 exec ~/bin/setSinkVolumeDefault.sh -5%
	separator_symbol " "
	colors {
		background #282828
		inactive_workspace	#282828 #282828	#685d52
		focused_workspace	#282828 #d79921	#282828
		active_workspace	#282828 #685d52	#282828
		urgent_workspace	#282828 #fb4934	#282828
	workspace_buttons no

bar {
	id off_bar_bottom
	position bottom
	status_command exec ~/go/bin/i3statusbear ~/go/src/github.com/afreakk/i3statusbear/exampleConfigs/offscreenbarbottom.json i3 2>> ~/log/statusbear.off_bar_bottom.log
	output $offScreen
	tray_output $offScreen
	bindsym button3 exec "rofi -modi combi -show combi -combi-modi run,drun,window"
	separator_symbol " "
	colors {
		background #282828
		inactive_workspace	#282828 #282828	#685d52
		focused_workspace	#282828 #d79921	#282828
		active_workspace	#282828 #685d52	#282828
		urgent_workspace	#282828 #fb4934	#282828