
Primary LanguageJavaScript

Example of neo4j/graphql issue

Run tests by executing following commands:

yarn install
./test.sh watch-test

Test should now fail with:

-               "id": Any<String>,
+           "extensions": Object {
+             "code": "INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR",
+             "stacktrace": Array [
+               "Neo4jGraphQLForbiddenError: Forbidden",

Now if you change the following type in schema.graphql:

type VehicleCard
        validate: [{ where: { node: { tenant: { admins: { userId: "$jwt.id" } } } } }]
    ) {
    id: ID! @id
    garages: [Garage!]! @relationship(type: "VALID_GARAGES", direction: OUT)
    tenant: Tenant! @relationship(type: "VEHICLECARD_OWNER", direction: OUT) # <---  this line

By move the pointed to line up so the type will look like this:

type VehicleCard
        validate: [{ where: { node: { tenant: { admins: { userId: "$jwt.id" } } } } }]
    ) {
    id: ID! @id
    tenant: Tenant! @relationship(type: "VEHICLECARD_OWNER", direction: OUT) # <---  this line
    garages: [Garage!]! @relationship(type: "VALID_GARAGES", direction: OUT)

Tests will now pass... (you can force save index.test.js to force rerun of tests)