A Lightweight PDF Viewer Android library which only occupies around 80kb while most of the Pdf viewer occupies up to 16MB space.
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Enable/Disable Zoom functionality
#174 opened by nabeelhafeez - 10
[BUG] IOException: file not in PDF format or corrupted
#114 opened by dookki - 9
[BUG] FileNotFoundException when addBitmapToCache
#126 opened by bucker - 3
Add support for annotation in pdf
#166 opened by Johan-Petersson - 2
#168 opened by pavelpoley - 13
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Loading the PDF from assets?
#173 opened by leestars - 1
jump to a particular page in PDF not working
#172 opened by dineshkandan - 1
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[BUG] Crach when open PDF with initWithUrl
#170 opened by ahmed-a-elfattah - 4
Url handling
#127 opened by Windisch94 - 1
[BUG] Link support
#169 opened by Suvorov-Alex - 3
[BUG] Caching causes crash
#165 opened by MilanJovic92 - 1
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[BUG] Broken download of cached file
#156 opened by FrancisDx - 1
Crash: contentLengthLong throws NoSuchMethodError for Android 6 or below.
#158 opened by vishal-gaur-shipsy - 1
Security Findings from Veracode
#159 opened by schristiansen-hqy - 2
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[BUG] Android 15 support (edge-to-edge)
#163 opened by FrancisDx - 11
Double-tap to zoom
#129 opened by jamshidSobirov - 5
Improve Error Handling when receiving invalid PDF
#138 opened by LarsWigger - 1
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[BUG] Brief Description of Issue Remote PDF preview, unable to display official seal and electronic signature
#150 opened by daoxiaomianzi123 - 3
Double click to enlarge the page shows an error
#147 opened by qq602737328 - 5
If pdf contain 20 page. than its always return page bitmap images 4- 5 , with this function -- binding.pdfView.getLoadedBitmaps()
#139 opened by iphone201988 - 4
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Are you considering supporting HTTP/2.0?
#133 opened by zaki5m - 5
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[BUG] Action Bar gets set to white
#128 opened by MattJAshworth - 4
[BUG] Brief Description of Issue
#124 opened by arthurpdesimone - 2
Detect end of PDF document
#137 opened by fahd-commits - 8
disproportional vertical scroll when zoomed in
#112 opened by asnav - 2
mistake in version number on maven central
#121 opened by asnav - 5
can add annotation link?
#107 opened by johnliao741 - 2
[BUG] set minSdk back to 21
#120 opened by vanniktech - 5
Need aar file nexus path
#108 opened by poojabhave - 4
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application crashing on opening pdf with url
#113 opened by realjoni17 - 4
Publish library to mavenCentral
#117 opened by vanniktech - 3
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Loading Progress
#116 opened by cwaliimran - 2
Search Field and Button
#115 opened by vxiber - 7
[BUG] Pinch to Zoom offset
#106 opened by heihitesh - 3
[BUG] StatusLisetner is not getting status
#101 opened by kamran-600 - 2