
Goaccess + MaxMind GeoIP + CloudFront Logs = 😍

Primary LanguageShell

Uses goaccess to generate pretty, monthly and yearly access logs for a few sites I have deployed in S3/CloudFront.

Involves two separate buckets:

  1. One that collects all the logs across all sites and has some expiration policy on its objects.
  2. Another that simply hosts the reports 🗂

Requires bash, goaccess v1.5+, geoipupdate, and awscli to be installed. As of now, will only work with CloudFront logs since that's all I deal with. Super-easy to adapt to other kinds of logs.



sudo apt install geoipupdate goaccess


On FreeBSD 11.2. FreshPorts' package is not compiled with support for Tokyo Cabinet. A bit more involved than that I thought it would be.

# Install deps
pkg install \
    tcb \
    gettext \
    libmaxminddb \
    automake \
    python3.7 \
    geoipupdate \

# Compile goaccess
git clone https://github.com/allinurl/goaccess.git
cd goaccess
autoreconf -fiv
./configure \
    --enable-utf8 \
    --enable-geoip=mmdb \
    --enable-tcb=btree \
    CFLAGS="-I/usr/local/include" \

make install

# Folder setup
mkdir -p $LOG_ROOT/geoip/

GeoIP Information

You will need the GeoIP configuration information from MaxMind. Get a MaxMind account and API key and, in this folder,

mkdir ./geoip
geoipupdate -d ./geoip

The script will fail if you don't do this.

Running the Script

With aws and goaccess in your $PATH (and the GeoIP data in ./geoip), you need to specify (a) the bucket to pull logs from and (b) the bucket to push generated reports to. Here's a sample invocation:

# In this folder
BUCKET_FOR_LOGS="logs.example.com" BUCKET_FOR_REPORTS="reports.example.com" ./generate.sh foo.example.com current

You will need the AWS CLI configured to pull and push to your buckets. Assumed that this is the default profile; customize as you see fit.

The logs will be synced to ./foo.example.com/logs (will be created if it doesn't exist). A goaccess database will be created at ./foo.example.com/db (will be created if it doesn't exist).

That current part will only generate logs for the current year and month. Omit it to generate logs for whatever you've synced from BUCKET_FOR_LOGS.

Here's a sample cron job:

0  0  *  *  * pushd /path/to/this/repo; BUCKET_FOR_LOGS="logs.example.com" BUCKET_FOR_REPORTS="reports.example.com" ./generate.sh foo.example.com current; popd

👉 You must back up the generated reports and the db folder!