
Solar system simulation based on arinal / WPFSolarSystem but swapping WPF for Raylib using ChrisDill / Raylib-cs bindings for C#.

Primary LanguageC#

afgc|SolarSystem screenshot


Solar system simulation based on arinal / WPFSolarSystem but swapping WPF for Raylib using ChrisDill / Raylib-cs bindings for C#.

To get it up and running:

  • Get Raylib_cs package from nuget
  • Get Raylib DLL from Raylib releases (follow instructions on Chriss Dill's bindings readme)

Maybe Later

  • Use Raylib physics
  • Add/delete objects interactively
  • Change mass/accel properties on selected object

Note: This is a just-for-fun project, not meant to be an accurate simulation.