API endpoint for uploading image file an OCR operation (SUST Hackathon)

Primary LanguagePHP

Puthi OCR REST API Documentation

1.Image Upload:

Endpoint: http://puthi-ocr.com/upload or


API endpoint for uploading image file. Upload images using this endpoint.

Technical Details:

Request type : POST

Authorization : NoAuth

Headers : null

Body : form-data

Key : "sampleFile"

Value : the image file itself

On successful upload you will get the corresponding filename (unique for every upload) to use for further OCR operation using the other API endpoints.

2. OCR Operation:

Endpoint: http://puthi-ocr.com/do_ocr or


API endpoint for OCR operation. Build a query string using the unique filename (received in response of uploading the image).

Technical Details:

Request type: GET

Authorization : NoAuth

Sample query string : http://puthi-ocr.com/do_ocr?src=-KqSQMdW5BQmWwUO6gAy.jpg

Here, "-KqSQMdW5BQmWwUO6gAy.jpg" is the unique file name that you have got in response after uploading the image file.

Get Postman Collection at : https://goo.gl/SfZpkP

Uploaded image restriction for do_ocr:

Image must be 300dpi

Plane and simple image with bangla content without any row-column

This API only support bangla optical character recognition

Image format png jpg