
🥧 Raspberry Pi powered drink dispenser

Primary LanguageRust

Drinkmaster 9000

Name is a work in progress (maybe)

What is this?

This is a school project to create a drink dispenser that can be controlled via a web interface. It is designed to be used with a Raspberry Pi. The dispenser is controlled via servos. The web interface is written in Astro and the backend is written in Rust.


These are the parts that are used in this project:

  • Raspberry Pi 4 model B (should work with other models as well)
  • 3x Servo motor, 9kg/cm
  • 1x buck converter (12V to 5V)
  • 1x 12V power supply
  • 3d printed parts (see 3d models)


The software is split into two parts: the web interface and the backend.

Web interface

The web interface is written in Astro. It is a static site that is served by the backend. It is compiled to HTML, CSS and JS at build time. Its primary purpose is to display the current state of the dispenser, allow the user to control it and update some paramters.

Note that there are no authorization mechanisms in place. Anyone with access to the web interface can control the dispenser.


The backend is written in Rust, with the Actix web framework. It is responsible for serving the web interface, as well as providing API routes that in turn control the GPIO outputs and dispenser. It also provides a websocket connection that is used to send updates to the web interface.

API routes

The backend provides the following API routes:

  • GET /api/drinks - Get a list of the current drinks in the dispenser

  • POST /api/drinks - Set the list of drinks in the dispenser

  • POST /api/drinks/make - Make a drink by giving a JSON list of ingredients

  • GET /api/dispenser - Get the current state of the dispenser

  • POST /api/dispenser - Set the state of the dispenser

  • POST /api/dispenser/pusher/angle/{angle} - Set the servo angle of all dispenser pushers

  • POST /api/dispenser/pusher/{index}/angle/{angle} - Set the servo angle of a specific dispenser pusher

  • POST /api/dispenser/cup/angle/{angle} - Set the servo angle of the cup holder

3d models

All .stl files can be found in the cad-models directory.

Getting started


Mac users can install all of these using Homebrew.

brew install rust node pnpm tailscale


This installation guide requires manuall invitation to the Tailscale network, as well as a custom hosts file configuration.

  1. Clone the repo

    git clone https://github.com/afroborg/drinkmixer9000.git
  2. Web interface setup

    In the client directory:

    1. If you don't already have pnpm installed, install it

      npm install -g pnpm
    2. Install dependencies

      pnpm install
    3. Build the web interface (optional)

      pnpm build
  3. Backend setup

    In the pi directory:

    1. Install aarch64-unknown-linux-gnu rust target

      rustup target add aarch64-unknown-linux-gnu
    2. Build the backend (optional)

      cargo build --release --target aarch64-unknown-linux-gnu
  4. Set up Tailscale VPN

    1. Install Tailscale
    2. Get an invite to the pi node
    3. Activate tailscale on your machine
  5. Set up your hosts file

    1. Get the IP address of the pi node

    2. Add the following line to your /etc/hosts file:

      <IP address> pi
  6. Set up you SSH key on the pi node

    1. Get the IP address of the pi node

    2. Add your SSH key to the pi node

      ssh-copy-id pi@pi
  7. Run the deploy script


    Deployment can be customized by providing arguments to the script.

    ./deploy.sh # deploy both frontend and backend
    ./deploy.sh frontend # only deploy client, leaving the backend untouched
    ./deploy.sh pi # only deploy backend, leaving the frontend untouched
    ./deploy.sh pi config # deploy the backend, as well as the current config.ron