
Elisp snippet to give you a cat in emacs.

Primary LanguageEmacs Lisp


Elisp snippet to give you a cat picture in Emacs. Put the file gimme-cat.el somewhere on your elisp path or copy the contents into your .emacs file. Then bind the command gimme-cat to a key, as follows:

(global-set-key "\C-c\k" 'gimme-cat)

And now enjoy kittens in Emacs. Images can be displayed only with Emacs versions capable of windowing, by the way (so not on the command line).

The list of images from which random picks are made is updated every hour. If you want to force the update, call the gimme-cat command with a prefix arg (i.e. C-u).

Key bindings in gimme-cat-mode

Cat images are opened in gimme-cat-mode, which provides a number of key bindings. You can load a new cat by pressing space. You can then close all the opened cat images by pressing k. If you want to go to the Flickr page for the image currently displayed, press o.

Cat pomodoros (catsup)

To start a pomodoro that ends with a cat picture, use M-x <RET> gimme-cat-start-catsup. This will start a 25 minute pomodoro that ends with calling gimme-cat. It can be stopped with M-x <RET> gimme-cat-stop-catsup.

If you bind gimme-cat-start-catsup to a keycombo, you can use the universal argument to change the number of minutes the pomodoro lasts. For example, C-u 15 <catsup-keycombo> will start a 15 minute pomodoro.

Fixing the path on MAC OS X

Unfortunately, Emacs on MAC OS comes with a rather botched PATH variable for its shell mode. gimme-cat uses the shell command wget to download stuff, so you have to fix the PATH in your Emacs configuration to get it to run. Here is how you do it. Go to a command line and run which wget. That should print out something like /usr/local/bin/wget. If nothing or an error message is shown, you don't have wget installed at all; you need to install it using something like Homebrew. Now take the directory part of the path shown by that command, and append it to PATH in your Emacs configuration with the following expression:

(setenv "PATH" (concat "/usr/local/bin:" (getenv "PATH")))

Reload your configuration, and everything should run smoothly.


Endre Bakken Stovner (catsup functionality)