
Provisioning stationary PC and laptop with Chef-Solo.

Primary LanguageRuby


Customized scripts for provisioning automatically my local development environment.


  • Semi-automatic scripts and orchestration for provisioning most recent ArchLinux version.
  • Up-to-date.
  • Backuping scripts (/home, /etc, shared configuration files).
  • Setting up only the necessary minimum:
    • Locales, fonts, tty settings.
    • grub + slim
    • /etc and /home configuration files from dotfiles repository.
    • X + xmonad + xmobar + yeganesh
    • VirtualBox + vagrant
    • Editors
    • Browsers
    • zsh and oh-my-zsh (from my fork).
    • ghc + cabal
    • Python
      • 2.7
      • 3.4
      • virtualenv + pip
    • RVM (with 1.9.3 and 2.0.0 and bundler).
    • NVM (0.8, 0.10 and 0.11).
    • OpenSSH (keys and configuration provided as a parameter).
    • OpenVPN (certificates delivered as a parameter).
      • Remember about network-manager configuration.
    • JDK + JRE (multiple versions - 1.7 and 1.8) + scala + sbt + clojure + leiningen.
    • Setting up docker and LXC.
    • Basic set of programs and tools:
      • vim, emacs, sublime-text, sublime-text-dev
      • feh, rfkill, slock, stalonetray, bumblebee, bbswitch, nvidia, nvidia-tools
      • curl, wget, rsync, tcpdump, wvdial, wpa_supplicant, wireless_tools, nm-applet
      • htop, powertop, iotop, strace, ltrace, gdb, cgdb
      • gcc, g++, make, autotools, cmake, scons, valgrind
      • evince, thunar, xarchiver, rxvt-unicode
      • mpd, mpdscribble, ncmpcpp, mpc, vlc, mplayer
      • zip, unzip, p7zip, rar
      • pacaur, colordiff, git, subversion, cpupower
    • Global npm modules:
      • yo
      • jsontool
      • grunt-cli
      • jshint
      • less
      • bower
      • uglify-js
  • The simplest possible orchestration for that requirements.


  • Adjusting existing repository to the requirements and major rewrite which drops the deprecated chef-solo out.