

Screenshot 2022-01-30 224600


The web -Scraping is done using Beautiful soup. A famous job portal TimesJobs(https://www.timesjobs.com/) is use for this project. From the website we collected belo data:

  1. We found out the job that is related to python programming language.

  2. The comapany name that is hiring for this position is also retrived.

  3. The link of each individual job that is related to python can be found.


  1. This project can filter the data. If someone doesn't have any particular skills than the job that contains that skill will not be shown.

  2. If the job is posted recently than the jobs information will be shown. The older job information (eg. 1 days agp, 4 days ago) won't be retrived.

  3. The project will be refreshed each 10 minutes and gather the newer information from the website as the portal will update the job frequently.

  4. All the data will be saved in txt file for further use.