
Companies who are willing to offer remote IT jobs

Remote Bond

Companies who are willing to offer remote IT jobs

If you want to add any company in this list, please notice a few simple rules:

  • It is an alphabet sorted list
  • Make a distinguish between companies who has employed experts remotely and companies who claim they are OK with remote exmployees but not a proven employment yet.
  • Employment must be witnessed bu yourself or a close contact. Not just by the claim of the companies, unknown people or lists over the internet.
  • To make the list accurate, please do not forget to mention exact date of each claim or employment. Some companies have had employed remote worker in past but have stopped the remote policy after then.
  • This list should only show the companies who are currently on remote policies, say if they have any employment, they are OK with a remote candidate. If they have stopped the policy, then they should be removed from the list.

If you want to extend this list or apply any modification, please clone this repo, apply the changes and raise a PR. Or simply email me with the subject of remote bond github list. My email is afshar.mohebbi atsign gmail.com



A multiplatofrm (JS, .NET, JAVA, etc) remote company with proven remote employments on 2021 https://www.linkedin.com/company/techvism/


Fakir Technology Consultants GmbH

A remote firendly and JS based company offering lots of remote jobs. During 2021 and onwards, they have employed a couple of remote workers.




A JS based company. The recruitment team on 2023 says they are OK with remote employees as long as they provide an EURO bank account for their salary.



