
Scheduled backup solution for MongoDB

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

MongoDB Backup

Scheduled backup solution for MongoDB

How it works?

Well, it's really straighforward. There is a cronjob inside the app that executes mongodump command and it creates a tar file of your database (that already defined in config.json).

Then, it moves the backup file to an specific storage. Currenlty we support Amazon S3 but more options will be added soon.


I'm working to create a binary output of project but currently you need latest version of Nodejs and a bunch of modules to run this project. So, first of all please install http://nodejs.org/

Then clone the git repo and install dependecies:

git clone https://github.com/afshinm/mongodb-backup
cd mongodb-backup
npm install

Then configure your database using config.js file and run following command to start the schedule:

./index.js start


Here you can find the config.js options:

  1. database:
    The database name that you want to get backup from

  2. cronjob:
    Cronjob schedule to run the backup job (standard cronjob format)
    Default: * 2 * * * * *

  3. mongodump:
    Path to mongodump binary.
    Default: /usr/local/bin/mongodump

  4. aws.bucketName:
    S3 bucket name that you want to transfer backup files to.

  5. aws.accessKeyId:
    Your AWS access key

  6. aws.secretAccessKey:
    Your AWS secret key


Afshin Mehrabani
