Embedding Knowledge Graphs Attentive to Positional and Centrality Qualities

Primary LanguagePython


Embedding Knowledge Graphs Attentive to Positional and Centrality Qualities


1. Make sure the Datasets are existent in "./data"
2. Before executing the training, generate pre-preocessed files by

running: ./extract_graph_features/process.sh

3. With the current limitation on GPU memories, we made a multi core

version (5 gpu cores) to allow running the model on the larger dataset (for example biokg). This version of the model is in the folder: ./5_gpu_version_of_model_for_large_datasets

4. Please check the paper Appendix for the best hyper-parameters.

Example run:

Incremental training:


run for the first dataset:

python run_incremental.py  --do_train --do_test -save ./experiments/kge_baselines_wn18rr_inc --data_path ./data/WN18RR_inc --data_path_train data/WN18RR_inc/train1.txt -data_path_entities data/WN18RR_inc/entity2id.txt -data_path_rels data/WN18RR_inc/relation2id.txt --model MDE  -n 500 -b 1000 -d 200 -g 4.0 -a 2.5 -adv -lr .0005 --max_steps 10000 --test_batch_size 2 --valid_steps 10000 --log_steps 10000 --do_valid  -node_feat_path ./data/WN18RR_inc/train_node_features --cuda -psi 14.0

run for the next incoming datasets: for examplle train2.txt and new parameter: -adding_data

python run_incremental.py --init_checkpoint -adding_data  --do_train --do_test -save ./experiments/kge_baselines_wn18rr_inc2 --data_path ./data/WN18RR_inc --data_path_train data/WN18RR_inc/train2.txt --model MDE  -n 500 -b 1000 -d 200 -g 4.0 -a 2.5 -adv -lr .0005 --max_steps 10000 --test_batch_size 2 --valid_steps 10000 --log_steps 10000 --do_valid  -node_feat_path ./data/WN18RR_inc/train_node_features --cuda -psi 14.0

regular training:


python run.py  --do_train --do_test -save ./experiments/kge_baselines_wn18rr_inc --data_path ./data/WN18RR_inc  --model MDE  -n 500 -b 1000 -d 200 -g 4.0 -a 2.5 -adv -lr .0005 --max_steps 300000 --test_batch_size 2 --valid_steps 10000 --log_steps 10000 --do_valid  -node_feat_path ./data/WN18RR_inc/train_node_features --cuda -psi 14.0


python run.py  --do_train --do_test -save ../experiments/kge_baselines_fb237 --data_path ../data/FB15K237  --model MDE  -n 1000 -b 1000 -d 200 -g 4.0 -a 2.5 -adv -lr .0005 --max_steps 300000 --test_batch_size 2 --valid_steps 10000 --log_steps 10000 --do_valid  -node_feat_path ../data/FB15K237/train_node_features --cuda -psi 15.0


python run_with5_gpu.py --init_checkpoint ../experiments/kge_baselines_biokg_400_600_850_2 --do_train --do_test -save ../experiments/kge_baselines_biokg_400_600_850 --data_path ../data/biokg  --model MDE  -n 850 -b 600 -d 400 -g 2.5 -a 2.5 -adv -lr .0005 --max_steps 700000 --test_batch_size 2 --valid_steps 10000 --log_steps 10000 --do_valid  -node_feat_path ../data/biokg/train_node_features --cuda -psi 14.0

Setup for incremental training:

#assume that data cleaning and dubplicates of entities and relations are done.

all the new triples have at least a head or a tail in the known trained entities.

#for the first run: #just train on the first coming set. #save the trained model

#to make it you can just run for 5 epochs.

#incremental training iteration:

load the saved model with its data put it in m1

new data in new data folder arrives-> generate graph features and dictionary files entities.dic relations.dic

#the names of coming files will be like train1.txt train2.txt etc

read the new data:

load them seperatedyly or putting them in one bigger train.txt file?

in this step entity matching must be done, if they are same dedblicate and label the new ones with old ones.

#then make a larger dataset, still, only train on newly come entities? or their beghbours too? or all the network? #research question:

to what level of neighbours entites must be train?

can these subgraphs be trained seperatedly?

make a new model name it m2 with size of m1 plus new entities in m2

copy m1 into m2

train on new triple t2 + triples of old dataset that have a common entity or relation with t2

save new model and aggregated triples.

Dataset Generation for experimetns:

for experiments: run create_inc_dataset.py that randomly select triples from train.txt and generates several incoming train files as train1.txt ,train2.txt , ... to run: python create_inc_dataset.py -data_path data/WN18RR_inc -divisions 5

GFA-NN model training:

  1. step extract features: ./extract_graph_features/process.sh

  2. step run the embedding: python run_incremental.py --do_train --do_test -save ./experiments/kge_baselines_wn18rr_inc --data_path ./data/WN18RR_inc --train_file train1.txt --model MDE -n 500 -b 1000 -d 200 -g 4.0 -a 2.5 -adv -lr .0005 --max_steps 3000 --test_batch_size 2 --valid_steps 3000 --log_steps 3000 --do_valid -node_feat_path ./data/WN18RR_inc/train_node_features --cuda -psi 14.0

then second run

  1. external step 1: data integration using entity matching and deduplicates: there 4 types of triples must be annoated by a 4th column: 1.new: both head tail are new 2.old 3.neghbour 1 : one of the head and tails are new 4.neghbour hop 2 : one of entites are connected to an entity that is old but neighbour to a new entity

  2. step extract features: ./extract_graph_features/process.sh

  3. with --init_checkpoint to load the saved model and load new train_file:

python run_incremental.py --init_checkpoint --do_train --do_test -save ./experiments/kge_baselines_wn18rr_inc --data_path ./data/WN18RR_inc --train_file train2.txt --model MDE -n 500 -b 1000 -d 200 -g 4.0 -a 2.5 -adv -lr .0005 --max_steps 3000 --test_batch_size 2 --valid_steps 3000 --log_steps 3000 --do_valid -node_feat_path ./data/WN18RR_inc/train_node_features --cuda -psi 14.0

Link to the paper on the ECML conference website is here.


Q: How we reproduce the results of the model for the large dataset?

A: Large datasets similar to biokg require a large number of iterations. Since the learning rate reduces during the training we do not suggest setting max_steps to a larger number, instead, we suggest storing the trained model using -save and rerunning the training iteration several times. In our evaluation it executed the training 3 times for biokg.

Q: Is the model open for learning furthur features?

A: Yes, simply by adding another score and a set of embedding weights to it. Please do not forget to normalize the graph features before learning them.