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Spins up a Docker Swarm mode cluster within a Vagrant environment and uses Ansible to provision the whole environment.



This environment will consist of the following:

  • 7 Ubuntu 16.04 nodes
    • 3 Docker Swarm Managers (node0-node2)
    • 4 Docker Swarm Workers (node3-node6)

I have also included a [Python] script that will be worked on over time to do some initial various things but will have more functionality over time.


Easily spin up the Vagrant environment.

vagrant up

Once everything provisions you are now ready to begin using your Docker Swarm mode cluster.

Connect to one of the Docker Swarm Managers to begin creating services and etc.

vagrant ssh node0

Validate that the Docker Swarm cluster is functional:

sudo docker node ls

You should something similar to below:

0bp91mlgswsl19chkudasptxt    node3     Ready   Active
0uyl5ms4lb543d6284vrycuh1    node5     Ready   Active
1trucugnb1gmu35tmjt4jc2om    node4     Ready   Active
4y83hx5ywpkn65tp268huipyz *  node0     Ready   Active        Leader
5suz75nggempf5984cx99e6sx    node6     Ready   Active
60qm8mohj517vovv7id5p7l6s    node2     Ready   Active        Reachable
cwnkijv7f8gzsvwltnomgmmea    node1     Ready   Active        Reachable

Create a new Docker service:

sudo docker service create --name web --publish 8080:80 --replicas 1 mrlesmithjr/nginx

List the current Docker services:

sudo docker service ls
ID            NAME  REPLICAS  IMAGE              COMMAND
016psrb2tb7y  web   1/1       mrlesmithjr/nginx

List the tasks of a service:

sudo docker service ps web
ID                         NAME   IMAGE              NODE   DESIRED STATE  CURRENT STATE               ERROR
9n3yq6k2ig71kkldzrs2zfqb3  web.1  mrlesmithjr/nginx  node0  Running        Running about a minute ago

Scale the service to increase the number of replicas:

sudo docker service scale web=4
web scaled to 4

Now list the current Docker services:

sudo docker service ls
ID            NAME  REPLICAS  IMAGE              COMMAND
016psrb2tb7y  web   4/4       mrlesmithjr/nginx

Now list the tasks of the service:

sudo docker service ps web
ID                         NAME   IMAGE              NODE   DESIRED STATE  CURRENT STATE           ERROR
9n3yq6k2ig71kkldzrs2zfqb3  web.1  mrlesmithjr/nginx  node0  Running        Running 5 minutes ago
bisd4qcaxsx66u6zeuomykkr3  web.2  mrlesmithjr/nginx  node3  Running        Running 41 seconds ago
8u940el4iomekvsfkqvpz75ox  web.3  mrlesmithjr/nginx  node4  Running        Running 43 seconds ago
dhjjumf7auf6s5k8uqwjo6wbx  web.4  mrlesmithjr/nginx  node1  Running        Running 40 seconds ago

Now go and enjoy your Docker Swarm mode cluster and do some learning.



Author Information

Larry Smith Jr.