
MongoDB API Compatible Fake Database Server

Primary LanguagePythonApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

MongoDB API Compatible Fake Database Server

PhongoDB, implemented in Python, is a MongoDB API Compatible Fake Database Server that implements the MongoDB Wire Protocol.

Tested in below environment:

  • mongosh 2.0.2
  • Python 3.9.2

After you clone the repository:

  • $ python phongo_daemon.py 27017
    • Make sure server is running
  • Then connect from mongosh
    • $ mongosh --port 27017

It's supported:

  • Very simple insertMany() and insertOne()
  • Very simple find() command with equality match (without $eq operator)
  • Very simple updateOne() command with $set operator
  • Very simple aggregate([]) command with $match stage with equality (without $eq operator)
  • Very simple deleteOne() and deleteMany()

How to run it

1. Run the server and then Run mongosh

On the left hand side of the screen, you see that phongo_daemon.py was run with the server port number. After we run the server, on the right hand side you see that we connected to the server from mongosh.

2. Switch to the desired database

Switch to the database.

test> use db002
switched to db db002

3. Insert the example json records into the customer collection

  • Copy the content of example_customers.json file
  • Insert it into customers collection as shown in the below.
db002> db.customers.insertMany([
        "customer_name": "Fuat Sungur",
        "email": "afsungur@gmail.com",
        "balance": 760,
        "addresses": [
                "type": "home",
                "address": "Jumeirah Village Triangle, Dubai"
                "type": "work",
                "address": "Dubai Internet City"
        "customer_name": "John Wick",
        "email": "john.wick@gmail.com",
        "balance": 999,
        "addresses": [
                "type": "home",
                "address": "Brooklyn, New York City"
                "type": "work",
                "address": "Manhattan, New York City"
        "customer_name": "Walter White",
        "email": "walter.white@gmail.com",
        "balance": 99999,
        "addresses": [
                "type": "home",
                "address": "Albuquerque"
                "type": "work",
                "address": "New Mexico"

Then we should receive the following message from the server:

  acknowledged: true,
  insertedIds: {
    '0': ObjectId("65dcd9319d13622ebb437f34"),
    '1': ObjectId("65dcd9319d13622ebb437f35"),
    '2': ObjectId("65dcd9319d13622ebb437f36")

After that you can verify that it's persisted on the disk under the datafiles/db002/customers.json file.

4. Run a simple find command

db002> db.customers.find({"customer_name":"Walter White"})
    customer_name: 'Walter White',
    email: 'walter.white@gmail.com',
    balance: 99999,
    addresses: [
      { type: 'home', address: 'Albuquerque' },
      { type: 'work', address: 'New Mexico' }
    _id: ObjectId("65dcd9319d13622ebb437f36")

5. Insert a new record with write concern options

Insert a new record into the customers collection with writeConcern option.

db002> db.customers.insertOne({"customer_name": "Jesse Pinkman", "email":"jesse@gmail.com"},{"writeConcern": {"w": "majority", "j": true}})
  acknowledged: true,
  insertedId: ObjectId("65dcd9fd9d13622ebb437f37")

There is no write concern implementations on the server, as you've seen, it was silently ignored.

6. Applying limit and skip

db002> db.customers.find({}).limit(1).skip(1)
    customer_name: 'Fuat Sungur',
    email: 'afsungur@gmail.com',
    balance: 760,
    addresses: [
      { type: 'home', address: 'Jumeirah Village Triangle, Dubai' },
      { type: 'work', address: 'Dubai Internet City' }
    _id: ObjectId("65dcd9319d13622ebb437f34")
    customer_name: 'John Wick',
    email: 'john.wick@gmail.com',
    balance: 999,
    addresses: [
      { type: 'home', address: 'Brooklyn, New York City' },
      { type: 'work', address: 'Manhattan, New York City' }
    _id: ObjectId("65dcd9319d13622ebb437f35")
    customer_name: 'Walter White',
    email: 'walter.white@gmail.com',
    balance: 99999,
    addresses: [
      { type: 'home', address: 'Albuquerque' },
      { type: 'work', address: 'New Mexico' }
    _id: ObjectId("65dcd9319d13622ebb437f36")
    customer_name: 'Jesse Pinkman',
    email: 'jesse@gmail.com',
    _id: ObjectId("65dcd9fd9d13622ebb437f37")

As you can see the resultset is not correct (limit and skip ignored and the result set is not the expected one).

7. Running an updateOne()

db002> db.customers.updateOne({"customer_name": "Walter White"},{"$set":{"customer_name":"Heisenberg"}})
  acknowledged: true,
  insertedId: null,
  matchedCount: 1,
  modifiedCount: 1,
  upsertedCount: 0

8. Running an unsupported update operator: $inc

db002> db.customers.updateOne({"customer_name": "Heisenberg"},{"$inc": {"balance":1000}})
MongoServerError: Unrecognized update operator: '$inc'

9. Running an aggregation query

db002> db.customers.aggregate([{'$match': {'customer_name':'Fuat Sungur'}}]) 
    customer_name: 'Fuat Sungur',
    email: 'afsungur@gmail.com',
    balance: 760,
    addresses: [
      { type: 'home', address: 'Jumeirah Village Triangle, Dubai' },
      { type: 'work', address: 'Dubai Internet City' }
    _id: ObjectId("65dcd9319d13622ebb437f34")

10. Running an unsupported aggregation stage: $group

db002> db.customers.aggregate([{'$group': {'_id': null, 'cnt':{'$sum':1}}}]) 
MongoServerError: Unrecognized pipeline stage name: '$group'

11. Delete one record from the collection

db002> db.customers.deleteOne({"customer_name":"Fuat Sungur"})
{ acknowledged: true, deletedCount: 1 }

12. Delete all the records in the collection

db002> db.customers.deleteMany({})
{ acknowledged: true, deletedCount: 3 }