Feeback App

Technologies used

  1. React
  2. Framer-motion
  3. Context api


  1. Feedback UI is template app built for taking review and ratings froms users.
  2. User can apply CRUD functionality on any review.(Create ,Read, Update, Delete)

Landing page -


Project is made using 2 approach -

  1. Prop drilling (Beginner)
  2. Context api (Professional)

To clone and run it in local machine -

  1. Clone the repo with desired branch(master | context-api).
  2. cd into project folder where package.json is present.
  3. Type npm start in terminal to fire up project.

How to use

  1. For adding feedback, type review in input box which validates input for more than 10 characters.
  2. Select desired rating from above row of number ratings.
  3. Once you have selected rating and typed desired review click on send to add review.
  4. The stats will show number of reviews along with average ratings.
  5. To edit or modify previously added review click on edit icon in list item.
  6. This will start edit mode and input box will show your selected review . you can modify your choice.
  7. To delete any feedback click on cross icon which will validate deletion.
  8. To like any review heart icon is provided.
  9. Review count and Average of ratings will change as per modifications.
  10. There is about page which depicts the version of app and some info.