HTTP Server in Go

An HTTP Server written in Go using TCP sockets


package main

import "./http"

func helloHandler(request http.Request) (*http.Response, error) {
	headers := make([]string, 0)
	body := []byte("Hello, World!")

	return http.NewResponse("HTTP/1.1", "200", "OK", headers, body)

func main() {
	server := http.NewServer()
	server.AddRoute(http.GET, "/hello", helloHandler)

NewServer(): creates a new Server instance

AddRoutes(): adds routes to your server instance. The method takes an HTTP method type (currently either GET or POST), a route, and a Handler.

Handler: a function type that takes a Request and returns a reference to the Response and an error.

NewResponse(): creates a new Response instance. Takes the HTTP protocol (currently only "HTTP/1.1"), status code, status message, array of headers, and byte array for the body.

Future Improvements

  • Allow chunked transfer encoding
  • Implement connection pooling
  • Allow middleware
  • Write tests