
The repo for the current theme on my website. Enjoy!

Primary LanguageJavaScript

About This Repo

This is the official GitRepo of calvinkoepke.com.


Setting Up Theme

This theme is free to use, however it assumes that the user has at least a moderate knowledge of development and can make it work for their own use-case.

Basic settings for home/blog page:

  1. Create a page and set it to the template: "Page Home".
  2. Create a page for your blog feed and give it a title.
  3. Under Settings > Reading in the WP Dashboard, set Front Page Displays to the static option, and select the appropriate pages. Example of mine: https://cloudup.com/cgqUviz0Yoy

Setting Up Compiler

Requires Node to run setup scripts.

Setup the project by cloning to your desktop, navigating to the folder in Terminal, and entering the commmand:

npm install

Then run the compiler and start watching files by running: gulp from the the theme root directory.

Gulp Commands

gulp watch Watches the files and compiles them upon save.

gulp css Compiles, minifies, and outputs the CSS files in the /assets/css/ directory using PostCSS + Plugins.

gulp scripts Compiles, minifies, and bundles JS files in the /assets/js/ directory using Uglify + Concat + Rename. Outputs to /build/js/app.min.js.

Credits and Licensing

Copy all you want, just be nice about it: Licensed under MIT

Find me on Twitter: @cjkoepke