Solution for a challenge from
The project consists of the creation of the home window of an interior designer's website. The original design was provided by Devchallenges in the challenge.
The page can be viewed at the following link. If you liked the project, give me a star ⭐.
The development of the project allowed me to delve into the topic of complex selectors, design of collapsible navigation bars, integration of icons, use of nested media queries and the use of different types of positioning.
This application/site was created as a submission to a DevChallenges challenge. The challenge was to build an application to complete the given user stories.
- User story: I can see a page following the given design
- User story: On mobile, I can see a collapsed navigation
- User story: On mobile, when I select the hamburger menu, I can see a navigation
- GitHub @afuentes11
- Linkedin andresfelipefuentes