
HR Dashboard_page-0001

HR Dashboard2_page-0001

Data Used

Data - HR Data with over 22000 rows from the year 2000 to 2020.

Data Cleaning & Analysis - MySQL Workbench

Data Visualization - PowerBI


1- What is the gender breakdown of employees in the company?

2- What is the race/ethnicity breakdown of employees in the company?

3- What is the age distribution of employees in the company?

4- How many employees work at headquarters versus remote locations?

5- What is the average length of employment for employees who have been terminated?

6- How does the gender distribution vary across departments and job titles?

7- What is the distribution of job titles across the company?

8- Which department has the highest turnover rate?

9- What is the distribution of employees across locations by state?

10- How has the company's employee count changed over time based on hire and term dates?

11- What is the tenure distribution for each department?

Summary of Findings

  • There are more male friends than females.
  • Most dominant race is the White race.
  • A large number of employees work at the headquarters than remotly.
  • The net change of employees has increased over the years.
  • Most employees come from the state of Ohio.