Run a migasfree server in a swarm cluster only for testing purposes. It uses and you have 4 hours for testing.
Access to
Click in the wrench icon
Select 3 managers and 2 workers
In manager1 run:
git clone
cd migasfree-swarm
Click in port 80
Optionally you can modify the variables and 3m2w.yml files and run:
. variables
docker deploy --compose-file 3m2w.yml M
In manager1 is allocated a NFS server (for share files beetween nodes) and the postgresql database. In the others 4 nodes is allocated 1 migasfree-server in each one (deploy in mode global)
In one host with docker installed run (can be too adding new instance):
git clone
cd migasfree-swarm
Optionally you can modify the variables and onehost.yml files and run:
. variables
docker deploy --compose-file onehost.yml M
In this case only is created one container with database and other with migasfree server
The directories for persistence are:
/data (postgresql data)
/nfs-share/conf (migasfree-server configuration)
/nfs-share/public (migasfree-server static files)
/nfs-share/dump (dump of database)
/nfs-share/keys (migasfree-server keys)