Renames PDFs and PS files from various sources based on their titles, and moves them to a given location. I run this through cron to clean up my papers directory after I've spent the day downloading uninformatively named PDFs from USENIX or ACM.
You need to have Python installed. Compatible with 2.6+ but not Python 3. For parsing PDFs, you need either pdftotext, which is a command-line script distributed as part of Poppler at or packaged as poppler-utils in most Linux distros, or Yusuke Shinyama's excellent pdfminer library, which you can download at or from PyPi. (The Debian version is now too old.) For parsing PS files, you need pstotext, a command line script from or distributed by most distros.
To use, make certain that pmv is executable and place it somewhere in your executable path. You will need to either hard code or specify the location of to the script. That's pretty much it!
avani@gravitas:~/Downloads $ pmv --dir ~/Desktop/To_Read journal.pone.0094346.pdf
Output writing to: /Users/avani/Desktop/To_Read/
Successfully parsed journal.pone.0094346.pdf
Rename of journal.pone.0094346.pdf complete
Title: Capturing_NaturalColour_3D_Models_of_Insects_for_Species_Discovery_and_Diagnostics