EPICS Module to communicate with TwinCAT controllers over ADS protocol.

Originally developed for use with EEE (ESS EPICS Environment). Can also be compiled unde for "normal" EPICS

git clone --recursive https://github.com/EuropeanSpallationSource/epics-twincat-ads

TwinCAT plc source example can be found in TwinCAT/demo_project/

Start EPICS ioc with: iocsh adsOnlyIO.cmd iocsh adsMotorRecord.cmd

Start EPICS ioc with (E3): iocsh.bash adsOnlyIO.cmd iocsh.bash adsMotorRecord.cmd iocsh.bash adsMotorRecordOnly.cmd

Contact: anders.sandstrom@esss.se

Add route issue with TwinCAT version 3.1 XAE 4024

See issue: Beckhoff/ADS#98

For TwinCAT release 4024 the ADS route needs to be added manually (dialog not working) by adding:


Note: Update with correct address and NetId..

to the static route file on the target cpu:
