
Implementation of the OPPGC algorithm

Primary LanguageC++GNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0


Implementation of:

Optimal Point-to-Point Geodesic Path Generation on Point Clouds

Authors: Dr. Alexander Agathos(1) & Prof. Philip Azariadis(2)

(1)University of the Aegean, (2)University of West Attica


The sofware requires the following packages:

  • CGAL
  • Boost
  • oneAPI MKL
  • oneAPI Thread Building Blocks

Installation on Windows with Microsoft Visual Studio (Community) 2022 is described in the following.

Please consider using the cmake-gui tool.

Boost installation

The most easy way to install boost is to visit this link. Please choose to download a file like boost_1_79_0-msvc-14.1-64.exe. This file installs the BOOST library in a directory that the user selects, let it be D:\Dev\boost_1_79_0.

The user then needs to set the environmental variables:
BOOST_ROOT pointing to D:\Dev\boost_1_79_0
BOOST_INCLUDEDIR pointing to D:\Dev\boost_1_79_0
BOOST_LIBRARYDIR pointing to D:\Dev\boost_1_79_0\lib64-msvc-14.1
Now CMake will be able to find Boost in the system.

CGAL installation

Suppose that this version of CGAL is downloaded and unzipped to directory: D:\Dev\CGAL-5.4 then the following environmetal variable needs to be set:
CGAL_DIR pointing to D:\Dev\CGAL-5.4
Now CMAKE can find CGAL.

Intel oneAPI MKL & Thread Building Blocks

The most easy way to install both APIs is to install Intel's oneAPI base toolkit software. Once installed CMAKE will find it and build upon it.

The software has a test application testGeodesic which is called by

testGeodesic pointcloud.xyz

The argument is the point cloud to which random geodesics will be drawn. It is a text file of points of the form "x y z nx ny nz" for each line (x, y, z the point coordinates, nx, ny, nz the normal coordinates).
