
Compartments calling for published Hi-C datasets

Primary LanguageJupyter NotebookMIT LicenseMIT


This is a small project to call chromatin compartments in a unified way from any Hi-C dataset. Operating system: Linux only.

It combines multiple tools for Hi-C data processing, including:

and multiple sources of Hi-C datasets:

Other requirements:

  • GEOparse parallel version for raw data download and parser
  • cooler Python package
  • nextflow
  • basic anaconda scientific packages (pandas, numpy, scipy, matplotlib, seaborn)
  • java compatible with juicer tools version
  • bwa


  1. Add thorough description of processed datasets.

  2. Multi-species examples.

  3. Description of compartments calling details by different tools.

  4. Distiller vs juicer processing protocols and references to the papers.

  5. References section.


  1. Download GEO entries.
python 01_download_GEO.py

This script downloads GEO SRA files with Hi-C fastq paired-end sequencing and produces unified metadata with information about replicates, treatment, cell types, species, publication and protocol details.

Currently implemented downloads:

  • Rao 2014 (GSE63525, mouse and human Hi-C)
  • Bonev (GSE96107, human Hi-C)
  • Ulyanov 2015 (GSE69013, Drosophila Hi-C)
  • Zuin (GSE44267)
  • Dekker_A549 (GSE105600)
  • Dekker_HEpG2 (GSE105381)
  • Barutcu (GSE66733)
  • Stadhouders (GSE96611)

SRA/FASTQ files will be downloaded to ../data/sra/ directory. Metadata will be stored to ../data/metadata/ directory. By default, 20 threads (processing cores) are used.

  1. Setup .yml file for distiller.
bash 02_setup_from_geo.sh

This script parses metadata from ../data/metadata and produces .yml file for distiller in ../data/distiller_yml/ directory. The settings are nearly the same as in disiller examples, except for the size of fastq chunks.

The script also sets up a folder with initial fastq and genome data. The folder with them will be located in the current working directory and called correspondingly to genome and id of dataset, e.g. test_hg19_Zuin.

Please, note that before running this step genome file of interest should be downloaded as a single gzipped file, called by genome assembly name (e.g. hg19.fa.gz) and placed to ../data/genome/ folder.

Then you can run distiller in this folder with resulting .yml file (e.g. project_hg19_Zuin.yml). Example distiller run:

nextflow run distiller.nf -params-file project_hg19_Zuin.yml -with-docker -profile standard
  1. Convert resulting .cool files to .hic and call compartments.
jupyter notebook 

This step is implemented as jupyter notebook, although it might be divided to converted and calling parts and used as standalone scripts (both steps are time-consuming).

Currently the only implemented way of compartments calling is per-chromosome call with juicer tools Eigenvector, which might be not as advanced as whole-genome call including information about trans-interactions.

Juicer tools are working with AidenLab datasets that are processed by juicer, not by distiller/cooler. For K562, HeLa, HMEC, NHEK, HUVEC, IMR90, GM12878 cell lines links for remote .hic files can be used for compartments calling by juicer tools.

  1. Visualize and compare first eigenvecotrs.
jupyter notebook 

Analyse properties of comparments. note that cell types are not clustered by the processing method or lab (distiller or juicer).