

Welcome to the Team 6 repository for the SELT 2020 Team Project. This will be where all of our code will be managed. Refer the this README for any basic info regarding Team 6 and the SELT 2020 Team Project.

Our project is in online card service being built for a family to be able to play multiple card games virtually.

General Info


Other Important Links

Notable Features

  • Signup/Login with sessions stored
  • If a pile is denoted as visible the top card is displayed
  • You can see all cards in your hand
  • Cards move between piles
  • You can specify which card in your hand to move to a new pile
  • When a card is moved between piles it is placed on top as would happen with physical cards
  • Piles can be shuffled


Here are the roles for each member of Team 6:

  • Scrum Leader
    • Addison Armstrong
  • Product Owner
    • Dylan McNamara
  • Scrum Team Members
    • Kayla Felderman
    • Jason Rathjen

**Note that one member dropped the class leaving us with a 4 person team.


Meetings are all held on Teams.

Scrum Meetings were...

  • Monday's at 10am
  • Wednesday's at 10am
  • Thursday's at 3pm (with the chance of a longer work session here if needed)
  • Friday's at 10am

Group Communication

All offical group communication was done through the Team 6 channel on Teams. All other communication was through a snapchat group message.

Future Features to Implement

With more time we would have liked to add...

  • Ability to have a player hand for every player signed in
  • Ability to see the other players in the game and how many cards they had
  • Ability to add and delete more decks and sinks
  • Third Party Authentification through Google
  • A reset button to restore initial settings
  • A scoreboard