sky-goal #internship #exited #work_hard #give_best

This repo consist of the files which are used for making the front end replicate of image(

It was a challenging task for me and to replicate such kind of image in short duration of time. But as all know engineers like challenge so as I. So tried my best to replicate it as much as I can.

Intrestingly when I almost completed ( upto my limits :) ) and changed some code to add extra feature I ran into some issues and have to dedicate my whole time (uptill deadline ofc) to resolve it :)

The basic stucture of page is made via "Grid" system of Bootstrap. Used Bootstrap to make my page responsive.

The framework of page mainly consist of three components of bootstrap:-

  • Navbar
  • Dashboard
  • Bootstrap Cards

Navbar and Dashbord were mainly focused on font and spacing whereas Cards were also focused on styling.

Lot of css, bootstrap classes, icons, images, styling was required in the page, the order in wchich these things was required in the components is:-

Bootstrap Cards > Dasboard > Navbar.

setting background of cards was bit tricky and intresting.

My whole Knowledge of html,css,Bootstrap was tested in this task which is best of part of task :) and moreover I learned lot of new this while performing this task. So I am thankful to sky goal people's to consider me worthy for this task.