
Reddit clone with production level practices

Primary LanguageTypeScript


Version github

Production level reddit clone🤯

Technology stack🌌

Language: Typescript


  • NextJs for server side rendering
  • Graphql with Apollo client
  • Chakra as UI framework


  • NodeJs with Express as server
  • Redis for cache management
  • Typeorm for DB management
  • PostgresSql as database
  • GraphQl for data transfer
  • Express-session for session forwarding
  • Nodemailer for Mailing
  • Docker for virtualization


I followed Ben Awad's Fullstack Video

Points I learned🤠:

  • Got a new prespective to developing software. I really loved to know and understand how to study code and work with it when things don't seems to work your way.
  • Studied a new stack and implemented it.
  • PS: Do support him by Subscribing to his channel
  • PPS: Video is liitle long so proceed with caution
  • Chears🎊

Built with ❤️ by agarwalamn

Written with StackEdit.