ArtSquare Landing Page

Heyo! This is your new landing page repo. 😍 Use and abuse it to your heart’s content. Below is some info on how to use it.

First and foremost…

After cloning this repo and cding into its root directory, run npm install. Then, run npm run modernizr.

Important: One of the dev dependencies used in this repo may fail to build on OS X. According to this github issue, the problem is due to OS X storing the jpeg dependency in a different location. If you encounter this problem, please run brew install jpeg, as suggested in the discussion linked above.

Build modernizr

This template uses the modernizr CLI tool to generate a custom build.

npm run modernizr

The above command writes a custom modernizr build into ./source/javascript/vendor/modernizr.js, which should get piped into whatever workflow you have set up for building and serving your prototype.

The config file at ./modernizr.json includes all tests and options by default, which can be useful for development, but terrible for production.

Building modernizr for production

An alternative config file (./modernizr_prod.json) has been provided, which will be used when building for production (see Build for production below). If you wanted to build it at any moment, just use

npm run modernizr:prod

Serve your prototype for development

Compile/process markup, stylesheets, and scripts, then serve them with browser-sync and load the prototype in your default browser:

npm run watch

Changes you make to your source files should automatically get processed and browser-sync will either inject new CSS or reload the page entirely (in the case of markup or JavaScript changes).

Clear build/ directory

Sometimes it’s useful to obliterate the build/ directory completely to clear out stale files generated from source files you might have renamed or deleted. The following command does this:

npm run implode

Not that you couldn’t do this with rm -rf build/*, but whatevs.

Build for production

When you’re ready to create a build for production, use this command:

npm run build:prod

This command will remove everything from the build/ directory, build a fresh modernizr file using the modernizr_prod.json config file, and build the site with uglified JavaScript and compressed CSS and HTML.


There is an npm script reserved for deployment:

npm run deploy

Depending on your deployment strategy, you may want to define this script with one or more commands to help make deployments painless and repeatable. I recommend you use the implode script as part of that deployment process just before you run npm run build -- --production, to ensure no stray development files get lumped in with your production build.