
:fork_and_knife: forks; forks everywhere.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Fork all of the things.

# What is this? Couldn't sleep, saw a tweet:

@kentcdodds Now wouldn't it be cool, if you could go into a repo in your node_modules and run `npm fork` and it would fork it on github.

— Merrick Christensen (@iammerrick) April 5, 2016
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Made it so.

But why?

If you have ever needed to debug a node module you're using in your project it's a no brainer. If you find a bug in someone's project you might want to fix it and made a fork of it so you can then open a pull request.

Getting Started

First, you need an access token from github so forked can log in. You can find instructions for that here

Then add it to your .bashrc file, or whatever you use to manage your env variables:


Then install the module:

$ npm i -g forked

Dive into some random node module:

$ cd node_modules/react

Run the command:

$ fork

If it worked, you should be able to see the fork on GitHub.

Currently doesn't work on some repositories. Had some weird redirect issues and such, but about 80% of the repos I tried worked, so that's nice. If you find a bug please document it in the issues. :)