
A Kubernetes operator that allows for automatic provisioning and distribution of cert-manager certs across namespaces

Primary LanguageGoApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


CachedCertificate Workflow

When a CachedCertificate is created or updated the operator does the following:

  • Check for a valid upstream Certificate
    • Create if missing and then resync
  • Wait for upstream Secret to be created
  • Sync the upstream Secret to the target local secret name
  • Watch for upstream Secret changes and sync down

Quickstart Install

The process below uses the kustomize files in ./config to enable easy deployment.

# get the latest code
git clone git@github.com:weave-lab/cached-certificate-operator.git
cd cached-certificate-operator

# install operator into the K8s cluster specified in ~/.kube/config
kubectl apply -k config/default

Try out the operator with a self-signed ca

The steps below depend on having cert-manager installed in the cluster.

We do not cover installing cert-manager. Instead see the official cert-manager installation docs.

Create a selfSigned issuer

# wait for cert-manager to come up
kubectl create -f <(cat <<EOF
apiVersion: cert-manager.io/v1
kind: ClusterIssuer
  name: selfsigned-issuer
  selfSigned: {}

Put some basic certs in

kubectl apply -f config/samples/cache_v1alpha1_cachedcertificate.yaml
kubectl apply -f config/samples/cache_v1alpha1_cachedcertificate-alt.yaml

You should see two valid secrets for the 2 resources fairly quickly:

kubectl get secrets -l cache.weavelab.xyz/synced-from-cache

Create secondary CachedCertificates for DNSNames that have already had certs provisioned

kubectl apply -f config/samples/cache_v1alpha1_cachedcertificate-2.yaml
kubectl apply -f config/samples/cache_v1alpha1_cachedcertificate-alt-2.yaml

You should see 4 valid secrets for the 4 resources.

kubectl get secrets -l cache.weavelab.xyz/synced-from-cache

However, if you check for Certificates, you will only see two resources. This is because even though we have 4 total CachedCertificates there are only two unique sets of dnsNames so the operator prevents duplicates from being created.

kubectl get certificates -n cached-certificate-operator-system

Local Development

Create a test kubernetes cluster

The official docs use k3d but any cluster creation tool will work.

k3d cluster create cc-op

NOTE: Be absolutely sure this is done and that your current kubectl context is for your temp cluster before continuing

Install the CRDs

make install

Install the latest cert-manager

This is a bare minimum install with default configuration for cert-manager. It is most likely not ideal for production use but works just fine for local development.

kubectl create -f https://github.com/jetstack/cert-manager/releases/download/v1.4.0/cert-manager.yaml

Run the operator locally

make run

Next try the operator by following the instrutctions in [](#Try out the operator with a self-signed ca)


This operator has both standard unit tests and full-featured integration tests.

All tests can be done using make test

You can also manually install kubebuilder and it's dependencies which will allow you to run a full go test ./... locally or even run tests via your editor!

Setup for test exec without using make

sudo mkdir -p /usr/local/kubebuilder

# Get the latest kubebuilder and put it into the expected location
curl -L -o kubebuilder https://go.kubebuilder.io/dl/latest/$(go env GOOS)/$(go env GOARCH)
chmod +x kubebuilder && mv kubebuilder /usr/local/kubebuilder/bin/

# Get full k8s envtest deps and putthem into the expected locatoin
curl -sSLo envtest-bins.tar.gz "https://storage.googleapis.com/kubebuilder-tools/kubebuilder-tools-${K8S_VERSION}-$(go env GOOS)-$(go env GOARCH).tar.gz"
sudo tar -C /usr/local/kubebuilder/ --strip-components=1 -zvxf envtest-bins.tar.gz

# Add kubebuilder to your path
echo 'export PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/kubebuilder/bin' >> ~/.bashrc
. ~/.bashrc

Now go test ./... should work!