
Auction-based marketplace implemented with JEE, which goal is to help & promote circular economy.

Primary LanguageJava


ENI J2EE project in group. Context of app is to sale objects by auction without financial exchanges.

Install / Config

Pre-requisites : Java JDK 16 , Tomcat 9.0.52, Intellij IDE

Installation | Intellij/Tomcat

  1. (IntelliJ) Edit Configurations > Add New Configuration
  2. Select Tomcat Server, Local
  3. In the tab 'Server' > Application server > Click "Configure"
  4. Click + / Add Application Server
  5. In Tomcat Home > Browse to your unzipped Tomcat folder (ex: C:/.../.../apache-tomcat-9.0.52)
  6. (have fun)

Installation || Database creation + data insertion

Pre-requisites : SQL Server

  1. (SQL Server) Create the database 'ENCHERES'
    1. Run script_creation.sql (package fr.eni.util)
    2. Run script_data.sql (package fr.eni.util)
  2. In the tab Security > Connections > Add a new connection
    1. username : utilisateurBDD, pwd : Pa$$w0rd
    2. Give the rights for database 'ENCHERES'
    3. Under the "Mapping" tab : check 'ENCHERES', then 'dbreader' & 'dbwriter' below
  3. (SQL Server Manager Configuration) : In Network, activate all services.
  4. (Windows Services) : Scroll down to SQL Server Agent & SQL Server Browser, and for both :
    1. Right-click > Properties
    2. Activate the service at the start of Windows, then click Apply
    3. Start the service & close the window
  5. Restart the computer (shutdown /r) OR kill all SQL Server tasks running (desk & in the background)
  6. (IntelliJ) In the project :
    1. Create a folder 'META-INF' in folder 'webapp'
    2. Create a file 'context.xml'
    3. In context.xml, make sure this line is correct :
      url="jdbc:sqlserver://localhost;databasename=ENCHERES" username="utilisateurBDD" password="Pa$$w0rd"


Proxy troubleshoting

IntelliJ / Maven :

  1. (IntelliJ) Files > Settings > Maven
  2. Under Importing > VM Options : -DproxySet=true -DproxyHost= -DproxyPort=8080
  3. Under Runner > VM Options : -DproxySet=true -DproxyHost= -DproxyPort=8080

GitHub :

  1. In Terminal : git config --global http.proxy

Internalionalization not working

  1. Right-click ressources folder - the one containing your .properties
  2. In 'Mark Directory as' select 'Ressource root'