
Minimal SRP Server/Client classes using Botan

Primary LanguageC++MIT LicenseMIT


Minimal SRP Server/Client classes using Botan

Build Executable (skip if only building WASM)

mkdir build && cd build
conan install ..
cmake ..
cmake --build .

Build WASM

You'll need to clone and build botan in separate directory -

git clone https://github.com/randombit/botan.git
CXX=em++ ./configure.py --cc=clang --cpu=llvm --os=emscripten
make -j16

Once built you can cd back to this project's directory

em++ -std=c++17 --bind -s ALLOW_MEMORY_GROWTH=1 -s WASM=1 -I../botan/build/include ../botan/libbotan-3.a srp_server_client.cpp -o a.html

You can now run a local http server and open a.html file in browser. Exposed classes should be available on Module object.