
a tool to for all the your reckoning with your group. The tool is still in the development stage.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

This started as a random discussion on facebook. We were goofing around with the idea of creating an application for our weekly/monthly reckoning.
The reason behind this was the time consuming calculation of weekly expenses by us on our flat mates and then settling the account. This was a really troublesome. 

So the idea is to create a tool which will keep a track all the expenditure of your group.
1. We can create groups among which the expenses will be shared.
2. Each group would have some n number of members.
3. The members can log into his/her account and feed in the details of his or her expenditure: the amount, the beneficiaries of the expenditure, and the items on which amount was spent.
4. As soon as any member makes an entry the other members will get the alert for the same.
5. The member can also keep a track of his financial standing among the members.
6. The user can generate graphs for a better visualisation.
7. In addition to a web based application we can also have a mobile app.

Note:: The tool is still in the development stage and not usable yet.