
JSON Schema Validator draft 7 for PHP 7.2

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JSON Schema Draft 7 for PHP 7.2+

Build Status Latest Stable Version Total Downloads

Validate JSON Structures against a given Schema.

Supports all official JSON Schema Draft 7 tests

* Without two for bignum because PHP cannot validate them


  • PHP strict code
    • stdObjects instead of associative arrays
    • Strict mode declare(strict_types=1);
    • Return types : void, : bool, : string, ...
    • Method arguments types bool $isSomething, string $someValue
  • More than 2300 tests
  • Tests for OpenAPI with Official OpenAPI Schema (Draft 4) and PetStore Specification
  • Support data casts e.g. for data from query/post/url paths
  • Register custom formats
  • Apply defaults in complex structures like if/then/else, oneOf/allOf/anyOf
  • Clean code
  • Well documented

What remains to be done @todo

  • Complete: refRemote and few tests with ref
  • Add versions for composer
  • Grammatically correct comments and exceptions



composer require frontlayer/json-schema

How to start

Simple Example

$data = 10;
$jsonSchema = '{
    "type": "integer",
    "minimum": 10

$schema = new \FrontLayer\JsonSchema\Schema(json_decode($jsonSchema));
$validator = new \FrontLayer\JsonSchema\Validator();

try {
    $validator->validate($data, $schema);
} catch (\Exception $e) {
    print 'FAIL: ' . $e->getMessage();

print 'SUCCESS';


$data = (object)[
    'stringTest' => 123, // Integer > String
    'jsonStringTest' => '{"key": "value"}', // JSON string > PHP Object
    'integerTest' => '456', // String > Integer
    'numberTest' => '10.10', // String > Float/Double
    'booleanTest' => 'TRUE' // String > Boolean

$jsonSchema = (object)[
    'type' => 'object',
    'properties' => (object)[
        'stringTest' => (object)[
            'type' => 'string'
        'jsonStringTest' => (object)[
            'type' => 'object'
        'integerTest' => (object)[
            'type' => 'integer'
        'numberTest' => (object)[
            'type' => 'number'
        'booleanTest' => (object)[
            'type' => 'boolean'

$schema = new \FrontLayer\JsonSchema\Schema($jsonSchema);
$validator = new \FrontLayer\JsonSchema\Validator(\FrontLayer\JsonSchema\Validator::MODE_CAST);
$newData = $validator->validate($data, $schema);

Register Custom Format

use \FrontLayer\JsonSchema\Schema;
use \FrontLayer\JsonSchema\Validator;
use \FrontLayer\JsonSchema\ValidationException;
use \FrontLayer\JsonSchema\SchemaException;

// Prepare data & schema
$data = '507f191e810c19729de860ea';

$jsonSchema = (object)[
    'type' => 'string',
    'format' => 'objectId'

// Initialize
$schema = new Schema($jsonSchema);
$validator = new Validator(Validator::MODE_CAST);

// Register new format
$validator->registerFormat('objectId', function (string $input): bool {
    return (bool)preg_match('/^[a-f\d]{24}$/i', $input);

// Validate and catch the problems
try {
    $validator->validate($data, $schema);
} catch (ValidationException $e) {
    print 'Validation Problem: ' . $e->getMessage();
} catch (SchemaException $e) {
    print 'Schema Structure Problem: ' . $e->getMessage();
} catch (\Exception $e) {
    print 'General Problem: ' . $e->getMessage();

print 'SUCCESS';

Build whole week directly from the defaults in the different cases

$data = (object)[
    'week' => (object)[]

$jsonSchema = '
    "properties": {
        "week": {
            "properties": {
                "day1": {
                    "default": "Monday"
            "if": {
                "type": "object"
            "then": {
                "default": {
                    "day2": "Thursday"
            "allOf": [
                    "properties": {
                        "day2": {
                            "const": "Thursday"
                    "default": {
                        "day3": "Wednesday"
                    "properties": {
                        "day3": {
                            "const": "Wednesday"
                    "default": {
                        "day4": "Tuesday"
            "anyOf": [
                    "properties": {
                        "day4": {
                            "const": "Fail"
                    "default": {
                        "day5": "Fail"
                    "properties": {
                        "day4": {
                            "const": "Tuesday"
                    "default": {
                        "day5": "Friday",
                        "day6": "Saturday"
            "oneOf": [
                    "type": "boolean",
                    "default": {
                        "day3": "Fail"
                    "properties": {
                        "day6": {
                            "const": "Saturday"
                    "default": {
                        "day7": "Sunday"

$schema = new \FrontLayer\JsonSchema\Schema(json_decode($jsonSchema));
$validator = new \FrontLayer\JsonSchema\Validator(\FrontLayer\JsonSchema\Validator::MODE_APPLY_DEFAULTS);

$newData = (array)$validator->validate($data, $schema)->week;
var_dump(implode('; ', $newData)); // Monday;Thursday;Wednesday;Tuesday;Friday;Saturday;Sunday

Validation modes

Flag Description
Validator::MODE_CAST Cast the data to the specific format
Validator::MODE_REMOVE_ADDITIONALS Remove additional properties & additional items if they are not set to TRUE/FALSE
Validator::MODE_APPLY_DEFAULTS Apply default values defined in the schema

You can combine multiple flags with the bitwise operator ^

$validator->validate($data, $schema, Validator::MODE_CAST ^ Validator::MODE_REMOVE_ADDITIONALS ^ Validator::MODE_APPLY_DEFAULTS)

Test the project with all official & custom tests

composer run test